Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Still on cloud 9
Well, not much as happened I am still on cloud 9 because I'm engaged, I still can't stop looking at my ring!! It's absolutely gorgeous!! Jared did so awesome!! This weekend we're going to go to the Scottish Cultural Centre, to go and look for having the reception there. I'm excited 'cause on the website, it looked really pretty!! Can't wait!!
Monday, September 19, 2005
I'm Engaged!!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Makes me smile!!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
A surprise?!
Thankgoodness it's Saturday today. I love the weekend. Last night I went out with a friend for some drinks and dinner. We were planning on going to the restaurant where Jared works but he told me on the phone before that we weren't allowed to come. I asked him why, and he said I would find out later, and that was it he didn't tell me anything else. But he did ask if he could use my car so, I dropped it off before me friend and I went out. Waiting at the restaurant I couldn't go in very far. Waited at the bar, as close as possible to the door. I asked him again and he said he would tell me tomorrow. So, now I am very curious what is going on....
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Thankgoodness for Payday!!
All I can say that I am so happy that today is the 15th of the month, payday!! So, nice to be making some money, it's so hard not making any money over the two months of summer break, except for tutoring money. I'm already thinking this paycheck is going to my old friend VISA and then after it's all about saving, saving, saving!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Tutoring Rocks!!
One of the other things I do besides teach at a Montessori school, is for extra cash I do some tutoring on the side. Mostly French, but I also have a couple of English students too. Tonight I'm tutoring English to my 16year old student. She loves all the patterned paper at my fave scrapbook store so that's where we are going tonight for our class. I just love to work, hopefully I won't spend too much money...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
First Week Back and I get sick...

My first week at school has been good. All the children were excited to come back to school, as well as the teachers I guess. We only have 6 new children which is good, because there isn't as much running around after them. The older children help out a-lot too, with the younger ones especially. Needless to say, Friday morning I woke up with a cold. It was bound to happen, last year in the first week of school I got sick as well. I went to school, but I cancelled tutoring what also kind of sucked is that I wasn't feeling well for my Dad's birthday either. We had a dinner, some cake and opened presents. It was fun!! My dad really liked all his presents. But by nine o'clock I was done, I went to bed. Now it is Sunday, and I feel better just a cough that is left. Yesterday, I was just really tired didn't do too much. There goes my weekend, that sucks. It's a countdown until Friday and the weekend begins. I'm so bad!!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A good celebration

Yesterday Jared took me out to lunch, to celebrate the end of summer break and the beginning of a new school year. We went to the Flying Beaver, a pub near the airport also where his good friend Mike works. I swear Jared knows almost everybody in Richmond, everywhere we go he sees someone he knows. I get introduced to so many people, half the time I forget. As soon as we walked in there was a table of about ten people, they were all the people that Jared had served drinks for the night before at the wedding he bartendered. So, met many more new people and they all talked about the wedding. Had to wait for a seat to sit, 'cause it was so busy. I kept wondering how many of these people were teachers? We finally sat down, and then some friend of Jared's from when he used to work at the Keg asked if she could sit down with us until her friends came, so she did and we chatted away. In the meantime, I kept getting martinis appearing from time to time. Eventually things started to spin, also 'cause I needed some food. The appys came, and Jared's friend friends came so it was just the two of us. I loved it, spending time with Jared is always good. He's so busy, and now that school starts again my schedule will change and I can't forget that football has also started again woohoo!! So, it was nice just spending time with my honey. And guess who came into the Beaver too?! Jason Priestley, can you believe it? Now I've seen two famous people in my life Jamie Oliver and Jason Priestly. Pretty cool!! Well I just wanted to write about how much fun I had with Jared, a good celebration. Now let's see how school goes this afternoon.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Summer break is over...

Well it's hard to believe that today is the last day of summer break, tomorrow it's back to school!! It's so weird that you wait all school year, especially as a teacher for summer break and that it comes and goes so fast. I can still remember moving all the furniture in the class at the end of june so the custodians can wax the floors. But I can't complain, I had a really good summer break. Didn't do too much tutoring, only a couple of days in the morning. The rest of the time was spent laying out in the hammock, napping, reading and doing puzzles. I got tons of scrapbooking done, which was tons of fun. I got to explore my scrapbooking style. I spent time with my other montessorian friends, my little sister, and my boyfriend when he wasn't working. The one thing I'm most proud of that I have done is I went waterskiing for the first time in my life and I managed to stay up on the skis, for a bit of time. It was such a thrill, still have to scrap those photos!! So all in all it was an awesome summer!! Now I'm somewhat ready for the new school year!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Welcome to my Blog
My first post on my blog, how exciting!! Still trying to figure all of this out, which shouldn't be too hard but it's all about learning. So, patience is the key!! Have a good sunday!!
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