Sorry I haven't posted. Even with the wedding done, I find myself still being busy and still in some ways wanting to relax..wish I could go back to Hawaii!! We're still organizing the house, and I'm still moving stuff from my parents house. Jared's been busy working tons, doing two jobs. He goes from one to the other and I haven't really been able to see him much. Thank goodness it's a long weekend this weekend, and I get him the whole weekend.
Also, have been finding out some stuff that happened at the wedding after Jared and I left. We had fights between the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. Two of the groomsmen got into a fist fight, GREAT!! And one of my bridesmaids, not the one who was giving me problems before..for some of you who remember, another one. But in some ways she was kind of playing it that it was my other friend. Apparently there was stuff going on before that I did not know about and then after Jared and I left the reception she basically told off my sisters, my other friend and my cousins visiting from California. It was so bad that my mom got involved. Not good. My sisters told me eveyrthinhg when I got back from Hawaii. Ugh!! I'm still thinking of what I should do. Get rid of her..I know it's harsh but I'm pissed at what happened..or just take a break from her..I don't know..We've been friends since high school and in some ways I feel bad but others I feel that if I just end our friendship I won't feel too bad. I don't know. Any input would be great...
Jared and I have a wedding today, one of the groomsmen that got into a fight actually. Jared's a grooomsmen as well. He's going to be in a tux. ROAR!! Can't wait to see him!! Planning to do some scrappin' as well, I'm excited!! Pictures coming soon, I promise!! Hope everyone is having a fab weekend!!