The week off was awesome!! Did do a little bit of everything!! Went shopping across the border with Connie, went to Bellingham and went to a couple of scrap stores, picked up a whole bunch of new goodies to play with. Should keep me happy for awhile!! Lots of organizing and cleaning my scrap stuff too, which is always good. It's amazing how much stuff you collect, discovered some stuff I'd forgotten I had, also giving some stuff away that I probably won't use. Check out my latest and greatest...

Now not all of the pages are from this past week, a couple are from over the past couple of weeks. I brought my desk from my parents house so, I'm happy no more scrappin on the floor!!
I did get to hang out tons with my family, which is always awesome!! My parents and my sisters.Had dinner over at my parent's a couple of times which is always good!! And of course one of the best things was spending tons of time with Jared, loved it!!
I'm also excited, my best friend from high school sent me an email. She was asking me if I was going to go to our 10year high school reunion, I still cannot believe that its been that long since I was in high school, sometimes it feels like it was yesterday, you know?! But I am planning on going, should be cool to see lots of my old friends. And she wants to get together, which is so awesome, I'm excited about that!! We used to have tons of fun in high school hanging out, talking about boys, lots of fun!! I can't wait!!
Jared's grandparents also had their 65th wedding anniversary on Saturday!! Isn't that amazing!! There was a big party with all the family. And everyone was there all the aunts and uncles, cousins!! It was pretty cool!! And Jared's cousin brought his baby, he is so cute, almost a year old with red hair, super me baby fever seeing him...soon..not yet!! But it was a fun party and cool to see everybody. I always tell Jared that he;s so lucky to have all his family here close by. All my family is spread out in California, Mexico and the Netherlands. And then he tells me that their my family now too, which is sweet!!
And today I went with Jared and his parents to check out the site where Jared is working on a house. It was cool to see. And it makes me so proud of him, all the stuff he is learning, and hoe much he loves doing it. We went for coffee and then Jared and I went for a walk, it was gorgeous outside with the sun shining which was nice. It's been raining all week!! Tonight Jared is making me dinner..YAY!! Chicken burgers with mozzarella, and mushrooms.yummy!! And we're watching the Holiday..super excited!! Have an awesome week, I'll be back soon!!