So, I was tagged by both Cheryl and Mandy to post seven randome things about me...
1. I am dreaming of going somewhere warm, and with a beach!! How I wish we were going to Hawaii again...our honeymoon was so much fun!! But we're saving up to go to Chicago, to go watch a Bears game..I am going for the shopping!!

2. I have been spending way too much time on Facebook but it's so cool to see all your old friends from high school and elementary school.
3. My goal for the month of May is to save $$!! Now I know I have said it before, but this time I'm really serious!! Totally going to cut back on unnecessary spending. Try to go to Starbucks only on the weekend, that might be hard. Spend less on Scrap supplies, try only the kits that come to my door. I want to save, I don't know if i will be working over the summer..and we need $$ for trips and a house. I can do this!!
4. Talking about's bugging me!! Working with the children is's tutoring after school that's bugging me!! I have had enough...I think this might be my last year doing it, either that or just completely cut back and do something else!!
5.Super excited that the new Micheal Buble CD comes out tomorrow!! Love him!! And they finally made the Second Season of Laverne and Shirley, LOVE that show!!
6.I want more time with my hubby...
7.I am loving working in the garden, now that I have my own place, it's fun, relaxing and I have someting pretty to look at!! Something else to talk to my parents about too!!
I am tagging anybody else who wants to do it..I think almost everybody has done it!! And now some pics, just 'cause I feel like it!!
The pretty cherry blossoms near my school...

My pretty pansies, love their smiling faces reminds of Alice in Wonderland and the flowers..

Me and my best friend Angela from high school when we met up a little while ago..she looks basically the same!!

The field of dandylions in my backyard..Jared hasn't cut the grass yet..I know I probably shouldn't post, 'cause it puts me to shame as a gardener it but it looks so pretty!!

That's all for now in pics!! I hope everyone has a super week!!