1. Parent/Teacher Conferences: I have parent and teacher conferences tomorrow. So looking forward to having this be done, have it also next Thursday. So, wish me luck!!
2. ATC or Artist Trading Cards: I did my first ones, and I absolutely LOVED it!! Check out my post from before. It was so easy and I LOVE how you can use your leftover scraps and be completely artistic!! Tons of fun!! I have another that I am doing over at
SIS. Super excited about this one too, the
fabulous Brandy is hosting it and it's all about Starbucks, so many ideas swirling in my head.
3. Books...I totally back into reading again. LOVE it, I have so many books piled up next to my bed that I am so excited to read. I am currently reading this book:
Absolutely LOVING it, excited to watch the movie again after I'm done but, I think I might find some more books of her too. And maybe read more books of history and people from way back when...does that make any sense?! Any suggestions would be great!!
4. Spring and Spring Break: Is almost here!! I have Spring Break in two and a half weeks YAY!! and spring is almost here too..love all the flowers that are coming out too..my bulbs are slowly peeking through but, I love having a vase flowers in the house like the tulips I bought the other day. SO pretty!!

5. Budget: So, I know it's only really been a week since I wrote down that I wasn't going to buy any scrap goodies until I go shopping with Connie over Spring Break over the border and I have been doing good. I go over to a couple of scrapbooking sites..like the ones on my side bar and fill my shopping cart so, far I haven't purchased anything, I'm doing good...
6. Scrap Goodies: It was so nice on both Monday and Tuesday I received some scrap goodies in the mail, this is okay for the budget..stuff from Stampin'Up for some workshops and the SOMO February kit super excited to play with this and some fabulous and wonderful goodies from the fabulous Jill that I won in her RAK!! This will totally help with the scrap budget. Super excited to play this weekend!!
That is all I have so far!! I hope you all have a good rest of the week!! And happy weekend too!! Hugs!!