To one of my fave blogger friends!! Love how she always leaves so many nice comments and tons of pea praise!! Hope you have a super day!! Tons of cake and of course martinis!! Can't wait to see the pics of your b-day weekend!! Take tons of pics girlie!!

Happy Birthday to Raina Marie!! I read her blog, and she seems like a very cool gal, plus the fact that she's also Canadian!! YEAH!!

So, I have tons of good news!! First Jared FINALLY called the caterer, I've been bugging him for how long now? Anyways, he's meeting her on Tuesday, yay there will be food at wedding, don't have to serve chips and nachos!! HA! That would be horrible!! And my sister, Vanessa is back!! She surprised us, she had a practice flight yesterday on the plane and they flew over to Vancouver!! She'll be here until Tuesday!! I'm so happy!! Now she will hopefully get to come with me, my mom and friends tomorrow to look at wedding dresses!! Gonna be so awesome!! I'm so excited to go and look, will take pics and post for sure. And today is friday!! YAY!! I got Alex's green and brown circle journal in the mail today!! I get to play!! So excited!! Just noticing did I use too many these !!!! just happy I guess!! Hope everyone has a good weekend!! Especially the birthday girls!!
Fabulous tags! Great news to hear from you today! Hope to see your pictures soon and have fun dress shopping!!!!
--Don't forget that you've been tagged -ha ha. I'll give you a break since I know you are busy this weekend though. :)
Have FUN!!!
Awesome tags! The girls are going to love them!
Aw, thank you so much girlie! You gals are all so sweet for doing this for me! Thank you SO much! I LOVE those tags, they are beyond cute! You're the bestest sweetie, thanks again!
Oh, and hoo-ray for caterer! No chips and dip is always good! ;)
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