I have a problem too, well not really mine it's more with two of my bridesmaids. They do not get along, it's more one than the other. She'd just so mean to the other one, and in such an obvious way. At first I thought it was just me making too much of it, but it's been confirmed by two others that it's true. And I feel bad for my friend who's getting this, now she tries really hard and I'm thinking if I should say something to my other friend about it. Or see if it will cool down? Tell me what you think...now some pics...
Connie, Sam and Jocelyn...my soon to be sister in law!!

All of us getting all lathered up with face wash...don't we look so cute?!

Friday night I talked to Jen, Mike's fiancee on the phone. She called me and I've been meaning to call her, but I don't want to overwhelm her but, she beat me to it. It felt so good to talk to her...we talked for a long time about everything, Mike, work, wedding stuff, scrapping everything. She's doing good, and I think just needed to talk, we're getting together soon, I cannot wait!!
Saturday I did a bit of scrapbooking and played around with the wedding invitations..had a couple of ideas just wanted to show Jared and see if he had any ideas. Will share soon for now, here are some pages...
Making the guest list...Jared had such a hard time...I love his face!!

Showing off my ring to my good friend Sam, a couple of days after Jared proposed!!

Sunday I went with Jared to see Mike at the hospital...I hadn't seen him since the night of the accident. And I must say for what he went through he looks REALLY GOOD!! It was so good to see him. He's basically the same old Mike, laughing and joking. He has a bit of short term memory loss, so he forgets things, but that's okay hopefully that will get better. He's moving and everything, sits up. It was good to see him. Jen wasn't there so, I didn't get a chance to talk to her, which kind of sucked, that's okay. It was good to see Mike!!
Jared and I went out for dinner, for Mexican. I always feel bad 'cause my mom's cookinfg is so much better. But, it was good. I go more for the dessert, this may sound a bit gross, but it it SO GOOD...deep fried Mars bar wrapped in a tortilla, with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream...so yummy!! We were so full after!! Went back to my house to show Jared the invitations and he helped me with some more ideas, so looks like we will start making them this weekend.
So, today is my first day back to school after Spring Break..went by so fast, I'm already looking forward to the weekend. I'm so awful....later!!
that sucks about your bridesmaid(s) who dn't get along! you really shouldn't have to deal with that at all, really immature of your friend IMHO. maybe wait to see if it cools down, or ask another friend to say something? so sorry you have to deal with that!
love all your lo's! fun stuff. you're making me want to get on track w/scrapping pages for my engagement album...
Ok, plain and simple.... you need to speak to this wicked bridesmaid.
By not calling her on it, you're enabling her to be mean to your other friend.
Tell her you are not expecting them to become close friends, but while you're together planning your wedding, ask her to respect you and act like an adult.
I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with this issue with your bridesmaids! This shouldn't be happening at all. I would air on the side of talking to the one who has been mean and ask her to try her best to change her attitude towards your other bridesmaid. I think sometimes people don't realize it when they are acting rude and they just need to hear it from someone and who else than a friend! So, I agree with raina_marie and I'd say talk to her if you can. I loved your pages!
sorry about the bridesmaid drama...
that's not right. :(
Loved your layouts!
And...that mars bar thing sounds good to me! teehee! :)
love the layouts..so cute!
love the layouts..so cute!
Love your layouts! I agree with Raina, talk to the mean bridesmaid asap or it'll get worse!
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