Doesn't it make you wish you were there right now?! Now I just need to talk about some things on my mind...
So, I am happy to say that I did end up figuring out the oven. Called Jared after he had finished his soccer practice and asked him. I felt so dumb. But, at least I know now how the oven works. Needless to say that I didn't eat 'til about 10 o'clock. I told my mom the story she just laughed!! She said at least I am learning, which is true!! She's going to come over and teach me how to make ribs in the crock pot, I am SO excited!!
I just found out more crap going on with this bridesmaid. I'm not so much upset it's more that I am mad. I just don't understand why she is being like this and doing this. She is supposed to be a friend. We've been friends for 10years now..a long time!! I found out all this crap from my boss who is also a very good friend but, she is still my boss. A very cool boss I might add. She blabbed all this to my boss while she was giving her a massage. She's a massage therapist. And my boss had an appointment with her. She did not know all this was going on. This happened about a couple of weeks ago. She told me yesterday. In some ways I am glad she told at least i see her for who she really is now. I think what made me the most mad is that she said some not so nice things about my mom, and she called my sister's liars. Issues about the bachelorette thing..most of my friends couldn't make it because it was too expensive..she should've done something affordable, and she didn't listen to any of my sister's ideas...and she had some of her friends show up at the club where we went..how rude is that? And she had issues about the hair and make-up for the wedding, that she hated it..blah..blah... If it was such a problem then she should've had said no to being a bridesmaid. I didn't know she felt like this until the wedding. She was being a fake. She was lying. And how she told my boss was completley unprofessional..she put her in a very awkward position. What's worse I still have her stupid tiara box. I borrowed her tiara as my something borrowed. She wants the bos back, which is fine but she doesn't want me to leave it outside. Wants me drop it off with her mom. Why?! It's a stupid $1 store box, worth nothing. I'm really in no mood to talk to her mom..I'm sure she knows?! If not still!! Still trying to decide if I should be a cow and just drop it off in front of the door...I don't know. Jared thinks I should. I have decided after all this recent information that i don't want to be friends with her anymore. I'm better off without her. I know it's sad because I've been friends with her for SO long. But what she did and how she acted is just wrong. Especially with family involved.
Okay thanks I just had to let all this out.....it's too bad I cannot cut her out of all the wedding pictures. :)
So happy it is Wednesday tomorrow, the weekend will be here soon!! Ready for Grey's Anatomy on thursday..have to rush home from tutoring. Friday is Ghost Whisperer with Jenifer Love Hewitt, love that show!! Anybody else watch it?! I love watching things about ghosts and other spirits.
Nothing else to talk about..hope everyone's week is going well!!
sounds like your friend really isn't much of a friend :( it just stinks that she's in your wedding pictures!!
i LOVE Ghost Whisperer too!!! always gives me chills & i always cry a little too.
love the Hawaii pictures!
oh, that all makes me sad.
I agree, just drop the box off on the porch...
I don't watch Ghost Whisperer...but I am SO excited for Thursday TV! :)
I haven't seen Ghost Whisperer, but I also love ghost things, would probably love it!
My Bro and SIl leave for Maui on Friday...so jealous!!
Your friend is a jerk, now you know who she really is!
so sorry about the drama w/your "friend." at least you know now she's not a real friend
and LOVE the hawaii pics! oooh, i want to go!!!
sLove the Hawaii pictures. So pretty.
Am totally jealous about Hawaii. We've never been there!
Sounds like your friend has some serious issues!
My goodness she's being dramatic...
You have done nothing wrong. If she wants the box back, tell her to pick it up herself. Even if she lives around the block, it's a waste of gas to drive to her.
p.s. Bridesmaid drama at my wedding cost my bridesmaid a thank you card. She didn't get one!!! Sorry, when my family and friends see your boobies, you don't get a thank you for anything.
LOL I didn't read the blog down below about the oven so at first I thought you were waiting to eat bcz he was at soccor practice. LOL
I can't handle girls like that bridesmaid. I think you should go up and ask her about those things she said about your mom and sisters. Confront her on it. I bet she'd be so embarassed and try and back her way out of it. But at least she'd know that you know. Then thank her for letting you borrow the tiarra. hmph!
Did you go snorkeling in that cove?
wow! quite the story! I would just drop the box off with a note inside saying that you are sorry that your friendship has to come to an end after so many years, but it was her choice to talk behind your back.
i hate when people do this
so sorry you have to deal with it
here's the deal
MAIL it to her
keep the tracking number
put signature verfication on it
and be done with her
you don't need the stress
and about an earlier post about getting used to living with someone...
i was married for .. waaaaay too long - but yes, the initial year is rough. just find some things you are on the same playing field with and build on that.
realize that it is likely you irritate him just as much as he irritates you. but you married each other because you loved each other. and that should be the focus
love ya!
Very nice pictures. I'm also planning a HI honeymoon, so your pics were nice to see.
That is awful - I'm sure you've got that rotten knot in your stomache just thinking about it all.
It will eat you up inside until you say something to her, or send her a note...
(by the way, still haven't spoken to my mother since our wedding...)
Hawaii looks beautiful!
love the Hawaii pictures!!!
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