My boss and frined Lou, amongst the pumpkins!!

And all the pumpkins to choose from, well some anyways...

Wanted to get mmore fall pictures maybe on the wekend!!
so, it's hump day today!! YAY!! I guess I shouldn't say anything we just had a long wekend!! Our Thanksgiving weekend was good..did tons of scrapping which I will post very soon, I promise!! Have been feeling so inspired!! Had dinner with Jared's family on Sunday and then my family on Saturday!! Good times!! Did do some gardening..I'm loving it!! I think some of my moms green thumb rubbed iff on me!! we have a litle patio area and it's next to the tv room so, everytime we watch tv we, have at least something nice to look at!! Planted some bulbs too!! Have to wait for Spring for that though!!

Was wanting to post onemore pic of my mini garden but blogger will not let me..ugh!! There will be scrap page soon!!
My mom and my sister Vanessa left for SanDiego this morning!! I am SO jwalous, I wnated to go too!! Vanessa is actually doing a triathalon on Sunday..good for her!! I could never do that!! But they're going to have such a good time, my mom hasn't been back in 10years to visit family so, I know she ill have tons of fun!! Jared and I are going to go either in March or over the summer too I cannot wait!!
Anyways I hope evryone is having a fabulous wek!! More later..
san diego!! you have to come, and then we could scrap together!!!!!
yay for the pumpkin patch! we're going in two weeks. fun stuff!
I am jealous too...I want to be in San Diego right now where the average daily temp is 72 degrees. I am freezing my butt off here!!
I can't believe all the stuff I've missed out on your blog. Cool pics of Hawaii and the pumpkin patch. How fun!!!!!
holy cow, look at all those pumpkins!!! love the pics. and your flowers are beautiful =)
love the pumpkins...
I get to go to a patch this weekend!
nice flowers!!! :)
hey honey buns!~
just wanted to let you know that if you download the new version of yahoo messenger, you can talk to people over the net FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
i think it's time for our dating to begin
my best regards to your husband
"eenie meenie pumpkin!!"
bwa-hahaha I love that!
Pumpkins are so photogenic. Reminds me I need to get busy and buy me some fall decor.
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