Except for being cold the snow IS pretty!! I'm especially loving the iceicles, they are really cool to look at.
Everything else in life is going...things are good and busy which is good!! Jared is good, busy working but what else is new. He's finally getting better he was sick with this horrible cold that's been going around, and it looks like the cough is finally disappearing. I think this weekend we are going to get our Christmas tree. I'm excited, finally get to decorate our place with all our Christmas decorations, I am excited. I might start some Christmas shopping too. Haven't started yet, but I have all the ideas up in my head and written down too 'cause I seem to forget things sometimes. I hate that. Especially when you have such a good idea, and then you forget. But other than that, things are good, life is good. Want to do some scrapping this weekend too, and finish our Christmas cards, and of course hang out with my hubby!!
Well that's it for now, hope all is well with everybody!!
You guys got a lot of snow! how fun!
love the icicles too...those are cool!
oooo the snow is so pretty! don't you love it!? sadly the winter weather has already passed through seattle...
the snow is pretty to look at...but I I'll try to stay warm far away from it....
I can't wait to see your Christmas decorations up....
love the snow pictures- and i would LOVE To have a snow day! that would be so awesome! i would sleep in and scrap and watch tv all day........... hey, a girl can dream, right?
Oh my! That is some snow. I'm still wearing crop pants here in Arizona. Stay warm!
I know in real life it's cold and messy and unpleasant, but in those pictures the snow looks so pretty!
Hi Val!
I heard about the dump! My friends are all in shock since this rarely happens...and even when I was there...it wasn't this thick. Guess Whistler is too happy with the good blessing for their business. :D
Scrap on Snow Days! That's the chant you should be chanting. :D
PS: rings are always pretty no matter what. better show me yours when you have the time! :) Share the ring wealth. Hahahaha!
Wow! We still haven't had snow yet...somehow it missed MN!? It is freezing though!!!
Send some snow our way ... pppllleeaasssee!!! The photos are beautiful!
Wow, I love your snow pictures! Every one of them! :)
oh my! we have absolutely no snow here in sweden. there's hardly non up north either... i miss it soooo much :( the pictures are great though
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