Anyways back to Jared. Yes my hubby is 30, it's hard to believe that he is 30 already and I am not too far behind either!! But I threw him a surprise party for his bday and he was completely surprised!! I totally got him, he was in complete shock that when he walked in he walked out a couple of seconds after just to take everything in!! It was too funny and I was all worried when it happened 'cause I was thinking..what did I do?! But he was okay. I think more surprised with everybody there and the fact that his wife was sneaky..hehehe!! Here are some pics:

I planned the party a week before his actual bday and it was so hard to come up with a story for him to actually come home!! He was told that his brother's girlfriend was throwing a surprise party for him, their bdays are actually a week apart, it worked out well except that he was hard to get him to come home, he called me on the phone and told me that he was running late and that he was going to just meet me at his brother's place so, he wouldn't ruin the surprise and he was pretty insistent until finally his co-worker kept bugging him that he couldn't go to his brother's party all stinky and that he should go home and shower...his co-worker was helping me out and Jared listened to him and he came home..phew!! It was tons of fun!! Lots of food and drinks, good times!!
For Jared's actual birthday it was over a long weekend and it was just the two of us, made him Sheperd's pie, very good and we had cupcakes!!

So, that's it!! Lots of other stuff going on..deciding about things and figuring things out. Will just have to see what happens!! But that's it for now!! I will post again soon...happy weekend!!
haqppy thanksgiving dear!
Sounds like fun! I threw my Jarod a surprise party a few years back, they're fun but hard to arrange! Good to hear from you!
Looks like everyone had a great time at the party! I hit the big 3-0 next year...yikes!
I love surprise parties! happy 30th isn't so bad being 30, sounds much scarier than it feels ;)
30...yikes. Love that you made him a mini are a fantastic wife. And congrats on the catwalk, not once but twice! You deserve it!
way to go throwing the surprise party!! i love the cake with his picture on it!
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