So, I did get a couple of gifts..not a-lot but that's okay I was not expecting too much!! Got to see Jared for a bit. He showed up at school to steal the car from me... and of course all the kids are curious to see who's at the door, and some said hello!! After he left it was 20 questions from the children who he was, what was he doin, why he took the car. I eve had to explain to one of the girls what a landscaper was!! Jared picked me up after school and we drove to work at the restaurant and, he tells me that my mom phoned him and that she needs a pot for dinner tonight and that it's in the trunk, I was like okay!! He reminded me once we got to the restaurant, and he wished me happy birthday and that he was sorry he had to work, and that he loves me, I drove home and got my stuff out and went to open the trunk of the car, there were a dozen roses, a card and the movie Memoirs of a Geisha!! No pot!! How sweet!! So, I phoned him and he knew that I had found the roses, and told me happy birthday and that he loved me...What a sweetie that Mr Magoo!! My soon to be hubby!!
We had a mexican dinner, my mom's cooking is the best. Vanessa came over, she's in town with her boyfriend Casey. Good food and yummy cake!! It was fun!!
Here I am, the 27year old...

Thanks again everybody!! Sending you all big hugs!!
Glad you had a good birthday. Here's to another great year!
yay for fabulous bday's!!!! what a sweet hubby to be you have : )
your bday love is on its way from me.........
sounds like a wonderful B-day! and Kat is right, your hubby-to-be is a sweetheart!
Glad you had a nice day! Your birthday tag will be on it's way to you soon! :)
awww, what a sweet guy you have :)
glad you had a good day!!
Happy Birthday Val! This is gonna be one great year for you!!
glad it was a good one!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VAL!!!! What a great day you had. =) Happy 27th!! It's gunna be a good year!!
Congratulations again! I made you a tag too but you haven't seen it because I haven't posted it yet! I promise to do that this has been really busy this week :)
Chriselda is such a sweety, isn't she? So glad you had a good 27th birthday! Your soon to be hubby sounds like a keeper ;)
So my stuff is on the way to you, sorry for the delay!!!
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