Friday, December 29, 2006
Still here...
Just wanted to let everybody know that I am still here. With the Christmas holidays and everything , life got busy!! Christmas was good, our first Christmas for Jared and I as a married couple, it was good!! I'm on Christmas break from school, have been enjoying that. Got the nasty cold that everybody seems to have been hit with. I'll probably be laying low on the blog until the new year, so much I want to do here around the house, and with family and friends, do some scrapping as well. On a bit of a I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all my blogger friends!! Big hugs!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Life is so busy right now. With all the Christmas stuff, making gifts and cards, shopping, getting things ready at school for our Christmas concert and party, busy. But that's okay, I don't mind!! So because my head is swirling with so much stuff, I thought I would just do random and say whatever.
We didn't get our Christmas tree over the weekend, this weekend for sure. It was hard to really study the trees with still so much snow on them. This weekend for sure, I'm excited to decorate!!
No time for scrappies, this past weekend either or during the week. Working on our Christmas cards, cards to sell and gifts!! I'm wanting to scrap, will try this weekend fo sure!!
I think I lost my touch in making really good coffee!! I was known for it and now all the coffee I make in the morning tastes like poo!! Will have to try something else, maybe a different cream?! I don't know.
I have been enjoying a Gingerbread Latte almost everyday!! Yummy!!
Had a little girl at school tell me that the matching shapes board was her passion..cute!! This is the second time she tells me too!!
I have baby fever...soon but, not yet!! Doesn't help that a-lot of new babies are arriving at school!!
Need to go grocery shopping, my dinner tonight is a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Awful!!
Tonight after tutoring going to my parent's house to help my mom decorate the tree, I'm excited!! Will have fun!!
Been thinking about doing another CJ group, anybody interested, let me know!!
For those that have let me know that they want to help me with some wedding pics and scrapping a page, will send out the pics probably in January..thankyou, I haven't forgotten!!
Wanted to wish Barb and Maria a happy belated birthday!! Hope you two celebrated well with some cake and maybe a couple of martinis ;)!!
Happy Wednesday to everybody the weekend is almost here!! YAY!!
We didn't get our Christmas tree over the weekend, this weekend for sure. It was hard to really study the trees with still so much snow on them. This weekend for sure, I'm excited to decorate!!
No time for scrappies, this past weekend either or during the week. Working on our Christmas cards, cards to sell and gifts!! I'm wanting to scrap, will try this weekend fo sure!!
I think I lost my touch in making really good coffee!! I was known for it and now all the coffee I make in the morning tastes like poo!! Will have to try something else, maybe a different cream?! I don't know.
I have been enjoying a Gingerbread Latte almost everyday!! Yummy!!
Had a little girl at school tell me that the matching shapes board was her passion..cute!! This is the second time she tells me too!!
I have baby fever...soon but, not yet!! Doesn't help that a-lot of new babies are arriving at school!!
Need to go grocery shopping, my dinner tonight is a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Awful!!
Tonight after tutoring going to my parent's house to help my mom decorate the tree, I'm excited!! Will have fun!!
Been thinking about doing another CJ group, anybody interested, let me know!!
For those that have let me know that they want to help me with some wedding pics and scrapping a page, will send out the pics probably in January..thankyou, I haven't forgotten!!
Wanted to wish Barb and Maria a happy belated birthday!! Hope you two celebrated well with some cake and maybe a couple of martinis ;)!!
Happy Wednesday to everybody the weekend is almost here!! YAY!!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
That's how the weather has been since Saturday!! We've had snow, ice and it has been SO cold!! There's some Arctic flow passing through. And from what I have learned it only happens every twenty years...lucky us!! According to the weather forecast, tonight is supposed to be the last dump of snow..anywhere between 5 to 10cm...let's hope for lots so maybe I will get a snow day and have no school!! The rain should be coming back soon too, apparently that's good. So not used to the snow, it does look pretty!! And I did take some pretty snow pictures!!

Except for being cold the snow IS pretty!! I'm especially loving the iceicles, they are really cool to look at.
Everything else in life is going...things are good and busy which is good!! Jared is good, busy working but what else is new. He's finally getting better he was sick with this horrible cold that's been going around, and it looks like the cough is finally disappearing. I think this weekend we are going to get our Christmas tree. I'm excited, finally get to decorate our place with all our Christmas decorations, I am excited. I might start some Christmas shopping too. Haven't started yet, but I have all the ideas up in my head and written down too 'cause I seem to forget things sometimes. I hate that. Especially when you have such a good idea, and then you forget. But other than that, things are good, life is good. Want to do some scrapping this weekend too, and finish our Christmas cards, and of course hang out with my hubby!!
Well that's it for now, hope all is well with everybody!!

Except for being cold the snow IS pretty!! I'm especially loving the iceicles, they are really cool to look at.
Everything else in life is going...things are good and busy which is good!! Jared is good, busy working but what else is new. He's finally getting better he was sick with this horrible cold that's been going around, and it looks like the cough is finally disappearing. I think this weekend we are going to get our Christmas tree. I'm excited, finally get to decorate our place with all our Christmas decorations, I am excited. I might start some Christmas shopping too. Haven't started yet, but I have all the ideas up in my head and written down too 'cause I seem to forget things sometimes. I hate that. Especially when you have such a good idea, and then you forget. But other than that, things are good, life is good. Want to do some scrapping this weekend too, and finish our Christmas cards, and of course hang out with my hubby!!
Well that's it for now, hope all is well with everybody!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Scrapped Saturday Away...
And that's just what I did yesterday. Jared went to a funeral (I didn't know the guy) and he was basically gone all day, didn't get home until late. So, I spent most of my Saturday scrapping. Had the music going and some coffee, it was good!! Here's what I came up with, quite happy with myself!!

So, I only came up with four pages yesterday, that's not bad. Will probably do some more today, have to do Elizabeth's Your music CJ too!! Will get done and shipped out to Hailey tomorrow!!
As for the rest of Sunday, Jared's watching football right now. He's still kind of sick more of a cough than anything. But I'm hoping we can hang out together a bit today!! I want to go to Ikea and get some things to organize some of my scrap stuff.It's beginning to drive me cazy!! Everything is spread out between 3 rooms. I wissh I had my own room. But I scrap on the kitchen table so, I can't leave everything there. And later tonight is Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, love those shows!!
All the crap that was going on is SO much better. It's somewhat resolved. Jared got into a car accident with my car...he's okay, the car was not so much!! We have been waiting to see if the insurance company was going to fix it or write it off. Luckily I get to pick up my car tomorrow!! I'm excited have misssed it so much. SO it was that crap, and of course Jared and I fighting doesn't help, and money. When is it not money!! But everything has turned out, so I'm glad!! So, thanks again for all the kind words!!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!!

So, I only came up with four pages yesterday, that's not bad. Will probably do some more today, have to do Elizabeth's Your music CJ too!! Will get done and shipped out to Hailey tomorrow!!
As for the rest of Sunday, Jared's watching football right now. He's still kind of sick more of a cough than anything. But I'm hoping we can hang out together a bit today!! I want to go to Ikea and get some things to organize some of my scrap stuff.It's beginning to drive me cazy!! Everything is spread out between 3 rooms. I wissh I had my own room. But I scrap on the kitchen table so, I can't leave everything there. And later tonight is Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, love those shows!!
All the crap that was going on is SO much better. It's somewhat resolved. Jared got into a car accident with my car...he's okay, the car was not so much!! We have been waiting to see if the insurance company was going to fix it or write it off. Luckily I get to pick up my car tomorrow!! I'm excited have misssed it so much. SO it was that crap, and of course Jared and I fighting doesn't help, and money. When is it not money!! But everything has turned out, so I'm glad!! So, thanks again for all the kind words!!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Happy Birthday Mr Magoo!!

Wanted to wish my fabulous hubby, happy birthday!! He turns 29 today!! WOw!! I was with him when he celebrated his 20th, look how far we've come honey!! He's watching a football game right now with buddies and I'm cooking him dinner later!! Hope you have a fabulous day honey!! Love you SO much!!
Just wanted to thank everybody for the nice comments, things are better!! Was feeling really mad and sad and just didn't feel like posting anyting, needed a break in some ways!! Things are getting resolved, will find out on Tuesday!! But thanks again!! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I've had a crappy week. So much stuff happened. Just trying to think positive right now, which is even hard for me right now. Usually I am always thinking positive when crap happens. Trying to right now. Will update hopefully soon when things are not looking so blue.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Let's Try the Scrappies Again!!
Looks like Blogger is agreeing with me today!! It's letting me post some pages!! YAY!! Tghe first one is Jill's CJ and my entry in it!!

The rest is a mix of wedding, hawaii and other things...

Love these pages..have been feeling the scrappy mojo!! Happy Wednesday everyone!! We're halfway to the weekend!!

The rest is a mix of wedding, hawaii and other things...

Love these pages..have been feeling the scrappy mojo!! Happy Wednesday everyone!! We're halfway to the weekend!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
My weekend and some Scrappies...
So, I had a long weekend. Pro-d day on Friday, which was awesome!! Still had to tutor French in the morning which is fine!! But the rest of the afternoon was spent with my parents. We had some lunch, did a little shopping and then my mom went grocery shopping with me!! Love my parents!! They're awesome!! After I went home dropped off the groceries and went to do a couple more errands. Went to the mall, looking for new runners and a bag for school to carry all my stuff in. No luck!! I did find some new books to read!! Finally found an Audrey Hepburn autobiography!! Have been wanting to read one for so long and finally found it!! It's hard to find books about her!! Was so excited to read it, and it's good so far!! After the mall headed to Michaels and Office Depot!! Found some skeletons, I'm going to decorate like the one's Elsie did!! They're so cute!! And neede some school stuff at Office Depot!! Came home, had dinner and watched Ghost Whisperer. Jared came home later!!
Saturday was pretty low key. Did some crafty Halloween stuff!! Watched "Funny Face" with Audrey Hepburn, love that movie!! If anyone watched Gilmore Girls this past week, it was the movie that Lorelai and Christopher watched on their date, with the movie against the romantic!! Hung out with Jared before he went to work!! Sunday my friend Connie had a Stampin'Up party, so I went tons of fun!! Ordered a bunch of stuff, exciting!! Later Jared and I went out to dinner, which was nice!! Love him SO much and love hanging out with him!! It's hard 'cause life is busy for both of us and we have different schedules so, we don't get too much time together. That's why weekends are SO important!! For time together!! Then we met up with our friends Mike and Jen for coffee and chatting!! Fun!! Came home and watched Desperate Housewives..good and watched Brothers and Sisters, anybody watch it?! I like it, it's good!! Even Jared likes it!!
And that was my weekend!! Now it's Monday again!! Wanted to share some scrappy pages, quite proud of them actually!! I submitted for thee Story of My Own Design Team but, no luck!! Oh well, got some pretty good pages from it!!
Okay I'm trying and Blogger will not let me post my pages!! I'll try again later!! Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Saturday was pretty low key. Did some crafty Halloween stuff!! Watched "Funny Face" with Audrey Hepburn, love that movie!! If anyone watched Gilmore Girls this past week, it was the movie that Lorelai and Christopher watched on their date, with the movie against the romantic!! Hung out with Jared before he went to work!! Sunday my friend Connie had a Stampin'Up party, so I went tons of fun!! Ordered a bunch of stuff, exciting!! Later Jared and I went out to dinner, which was nice!! Love him SO much and love hanging out with him!! It's hard 'cause life is busy for both of us and we have different schedules so, we don't get too much time together. That's why weekends are SO important!! For time together!! Then we met up with our friends Mike and Jen for coffee and chatting!! Fun!! Came home and watched Desperate Housewives..good and watched Brothers and Sisters, anybody watch it?! I like it, it's good!! Even Jared likes it!!
And that was my weekend!! Now it's Monday again!! Wanted to share some scrappy pages, quite proud of them actually!! I submitted for thee Story of My Own Design Team but, no luck!! Oh well, got some pretty good pages from it!!
Okay I'm trying and Blogger will not let me post my pages!! I'll try again later!! Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
9 Years...

Today 9 years ago Jared and I went on our first date!! We had coffee at the Bread Garden, which closed down right after we went there before Jared proposed last year. Adn we enjoyed a good night of lots of chatting, not really. It was more me chatting away and Jared kept saying "right on." And now look where we are..finally married!! Love my Mr Magoo so much!! Happy 9 years honey!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Ribs and Sushi
It's Monday, already?! Ugh!! The weekend just flew by, as it alsways does!! My weekend was good!!
Saturday, we finally got some heat. The landlord came over wih somebody to fix the furnace. So, I'm not freezing anynore!! Jared and I took it easy, we're lazy and relaxed. It was good. Because my mom and sister Vanessa are in California I had my Dad and baby sister Olga over for dinner. It was good. I made BBQ ribs in the crock pot, they were SO good and so easy to make. Makes the house smell really good when you walk in the house. And I got some sushi and edamame beans too. So, I half cooked. Jared couldn't make it he had to work. But my Dad and Olga LOVED the dinner and told me how delicious it was!! My Dad brought dessert, cheesecak. Very yummy!! It was tons of fun!! I;m glad I had them both over and impressed them with my cooking skills ;) I took picture so, I could email my mom and Vanessa so, they could see what they're missing!!

So, look who we ALMOST brought home on Saturday!! Isn't he a cutie!!

Feeking a little disappointed because I really WABTED him!! Had a name all picked out and everything and of course super excited!! But we decided that we're going to wait until Summer 'cause I'll be on break and can spend more time with him and training him as well. Which is good 'cause the last thing we want to do is leave all alone. Still feeling a little sad about not bringing him n=home. He's just TOO cute!! Countdown to the summer!!
Anyways I hope evryone had a good weekend!! Here's to another short week for me!! YAY!! No school on Friday!!
Saturday, we finally got some heat. The landlord came over wih somebody to fix the furnace. So, I'm not freezing anynore!! Jared and I took it easy, we're lazy and relaxed. It was good. Because my mom and sister Vanessa are in California I had my Dad and baby sister Olga over for dinner. It was good. I made BBQ ribs in the crock pot, they were SO good and so easy to make. Makes the house smell really good when you walk in the house. And I got some sushi and edamame beans too. So, I half cooked. Jared couldn't make it he had to work. But my Dad and Olga LOVED the dinner and told me how delicious it was!! My Dad brought dessert, cheesecak. Very yummy!! It was tons of fun!! I;m glad I had them both over and impressed them with my cooking skills ;) I took picture so, I could email my mom and Vanessa so, they could see what they're missing!!

So, look who we ALMOST brought home on Saturday!! Isn't he a cutie!!

Feeking a little disappointed because I really WABTED him!! Had a name all picked out and everything and of course super excited!! But we decided that we're going to wait until Summer 'cause I'll be on break and can spend more time with him and training him as well. Which is good 'cause the last thing we want to do is leave all alone. Still feeling a little sad about not bringing him n=home. He's just TOO cute!! Countdown to the summer!!
Anyways I hope evryone had a good weekend!! Here's to another short week for me!! YAY!! No school on Friday!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Eenie, Meenie, Pumpkin!!
No idea where that title came from!! But it's fun!! Went to the pumpkin patch with school today, tons of fun!! I love going every year!! Was hoping to get some mmore pics though but, it's hard especiallly with the little ones, watching them and all!! Did get some with the children but, I don't think I should post those so, here are some!!
My boss and frined Lou, amongst the pumpkins!!

And all the pumpkins to choose from, well some anyways...

Wanted to get mmore fall pictures maybe on the wekend!!
so, it's hump day today!! YAY!! I guess I shouldn't say anything we just had a long wekend!! Our Thanksgiving weekend was good..did tons of scrapping which I will post very soon, I promise!! Have been feeling so inspired!! Had dinner with Jared's family on Sunday and then my family on Saturday!! Good times!! Did do some gardening..I'm loving it!! I think some of my moms green thumb rubbed iff on me!! we have a litle patio area and it's next to the tv room so, everytime we watch tv we, have at least something nice to look at!! Planted some bulbs too!! Have to wait for Spring for that though!!

Was wanting to post onemore pic of my mini garden but blogger will not let me..ugh!! There will be scrap page soon!!
My mom and my sister Vanessa left for SanDiego this morning!! I am SO jwalous, I wnated to go too!! Vanessa is actually doing a triathalon on Sunday..good for her!! I could never do that!! But they're going to have such a good time, my mom hasn't been back in 10years to visit family so, I know she ill have tons of fun!! Jared and I are going to go either in March or over the summer too I cannot wait!!
Anyways I hope evryone is having a fabulous wek!! More later..
My boss and frined Lou, amongst the pumpkins!!

And all the pumpkins to choose from, well some anyways...

Wanted to get mmore fall pictures maybe on the wekend!!
so, it's hump day today!! YAY!! I guess I shouldn't say anything we just had a long wekend!! Our Thanksgiving weekend was good..did tons of scrapping which I will post very soon, I promise!! Have been feeling so inspired!! Had dinner with Jared's family on Sunday and then my family on Saturday!! Good times!! Did do some gardening..I'm loving it!! I think some of my moms green thumb rubbed iff on me!! we have a litle patio area and it's next to the tv room so, everytime we watch tv we, have at least something nice to look at!! Planted some bulbs too!! Have to wait for Spring for that though!!

Was wanting to post onemore pic of my mini garden but blogger will not let me..ugh!! There will be scrap page soon!!
My mom and my sister Vanessa left for SanDiego this morning!! I am SO jwalous, I wnated to go too!! Vanessa is actually doing a triathalon on Sunday..good for her!! I could never do that!! But they're going to have such a good time, my mom hasn't been back in 10years to visit family so, I know she ill have tons of fun!! Jared and I are going to go either in March or over the summer too I cannot wait!!
Anyways I hope evryone is having a fabulous wek!! More later..
Friday, October 06, 2006
It's An Loooong Weekend!!
YAY!! For a long weekend!! I am so happy and excited!! Three days off of relaxing, sleeping in, doing some scrapping!!! For us in Canada it is our Thanksgiving Day on Monday!! So, that means we get some turkey!! I get it twice. Sunday with Jared's family and Monday with my family!! Should be good!! Looking forward to the turkey!!
Have been doing some creating both at home and at school!! Will share the scrappy pages soon..but I wanted to share some of my craftyness I do at school!!
Here's the picture that sits on top of the calendar, I love how it turned!! Love my sparkly pumpkins and bats!!

And here are our Thanksgiving turkeys that we made with the children, aren't they cute!! And super eay to make. Let me know if your interested!! Isn't he acute turkey!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous wekend!! will post more of my scrappy creations soon, have been totally been feeling creative lately!! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!!
Have been doing some creating both at home and at school!! Will share the scrappy pages soon..but I wanted to share some of my craftyness I do at school!!
Here's the picture that sits on top of the calendar, I love how it turned!! Love my sparkly pumpkins and bats!!

And here are our Thanksgiving turkeys that we made with the children, aren't they cute!! And super eay to make. Let me know if your interested!! Isn't he acute turkey!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous wekend!! will post more of my scrappy creations soon, have been totally been feeling creative lately!! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Don't mind me...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Wish I Was Back in Hawaii...
My sister's friend just left for Honolulu on Saturday and I'm so jealous!! I so wish Jared and I were both back there..on Waikiki beach, in the sun, hanging out, having drinks and having a good time!! I totally need to start saving our money so we can go back soon. So, since I am not there right now I thought I would share some pictures of us when we were there!!

Doesn't it make you wish you were there right now?! Now I just need to talk about some things on my mind...
So, I am happy to say that I did end up figuring out the oven. Called Jared after he had finished his soccer practice and asked him. I felt so dumb. But, at least I know now how the oven works. Needless to say that I didn't eat 'til about 10 o'clock. I told my mom the story she just laughed!! She said at least I am learning, which is true!! She's going to come over and teach me how to make ribs in the crock pot, I am SO excited!!
I just found out more crap going on with this bridesmaid. I'm not so much upset it's more that I am mad. I just don't understand why she is being like this and doing this. She is supposed to be a friend. We've been friends for 10years now..a long time!! I found out all this crap from my boss who is also a very good friend but, she is still my boss. A very cool boss I might add. She blabbed all this to my boss while she was giving her a massage. She's a massage therapist. And my boss had an appointment with her. She did not know all this was going on. This happened about a couple of weeks ago. She told me yesterday. In some ways I am glad she told at least i see her for who she really is now. I think what made me the most mad is that she said some not so nice things about my mom, and she called my sister's liars. Issues about the bachelorette thing..most of my friends couldn't make it because it was too expensive..she should've done something affordable, and she didn't listen to any of my sister's ideas...and she had some of her friends show up at the club where we rude is that? And she had issues about the hair and make-up for the wedding, that she hated it..blah..blah... If it was such a problem then she should've had said no to being a bridesmaid. I didn't know she felt like this until the wedding. She was being a fake. She was lying. And how she told my boss was completley unprofessional..she put her in a very awkward position. What's worse I still have her stupid tiara box. I borrowed her tiara as my something borrowed. She wants the bos back, which is fine but she doesn't want me to leave it outside. Wants me drop it off with her mom. Why?! It's a stupid $1 store box, worth nothing. I'm really in no mood to talk to her mom..I'm sure she knows?! If not still!! Still trying to decide if I should be a cow and just drop it off in front of the door...I don't know. Jared thinks I should. I have decided after all this recent information that i don't want to be friends with her anymore. I'm better off without her. I know it's sad because I've been friends with her for SO long. But what she did and how she acted is just wrong. Especially with family involved.
Okay thanks I just had to let all this's too bad I cannot cut her out of all the wedding pictures. :)
So happy it is Wednesday tomorrow, the weekend will be here soon!! Ready for Grey's Anatomy on thursday..have to rush home from tutoring. Friday is Ghost Whisperer with Jenifer Love Hewitt, love that show!! Anybody else watch it?! I love watching things about ghosts and other spirits.
Nothing else to talk about..hope everyone's week is going well!!

Doesn't it make you wish you were there right now?! Now I just need to talk about some things on my mind...
So, I am happy to say that I did end up figuring out the oven. Called Jared after he had finished his soccer practice and asked him. I felt so dumb. But, at least I know now how the oven works. Needless to say that I didn't eat 'til about 10 o'clock. I told my mom the story she just laughed!! She said at least I am learning, which is true!! She's going to come over and teach me how to make ribs in the crock pot, I am SO excited!!
I just found out more crap going on with this bridesmaid. I'm not so much upset it's more that I am mad. I just don't understand why she is being like this and doing this. She is supposed to be a friend. We've been friends for 10years now..a long time!! I found out all this crap from my boss who is also a very good friend but, she is still my boss. A very cool boss I might add. She blabbed all this to my boss while she was giving her a massage. She's a massage therapist. And my boss had an appointment with her. She did not know all this was going on. This happened about a couple of weeks ago. She told me yesterday. In some ways I am glad she told at least i see her for who she really is now. I think what made me the most mad is that she said some not so nice things about my mom, and she called my sister's liars. Issues about the bachelorette thing..most of my friends couldn't make it because it was too expensive..she should've done something affordable, and she didn't listen to any of my sister's ideas...and she had some of her friends show up at the club where we rude is that? And she had issues about the hair and make-up for the wedding, that she hated it..blah..blah... If it was such a problem then she should've had said no to being a bridesmaid. I didn't know she felt like this until the wedding. She was being a fake. She was lying. And how she told my boss was completley unprofessional..she put her in a very awkward position. What's worse I still have her stupid tiara box. I borrowed her tiara as my something borrowed. She wants the bos back, which is fine but she doesn't want me to leave it outside. Wants me drop it off with her mom. Why?! It's a stupid $1 store box, worth nothing. I'm really in no mood to talk to her mom..I'm sure she knows?! If not still!! Still trying to decide if I should be a cow and just drop it off in front of the door...I don't know. Jared thinks I should. I have decided after all this recent information that i don't want to be friends with her anymore. I'm better off without her. I know it's sad because I've been friends with her for SO long. But what she did and how she acted is just wrong. Especially with family involved.
Okay thanks I just had to let all this's too bad I cannot cut her out of all the wedding pictures. :)
So happy it is Wednesday tomorrow, the weekend will be here soon!! Ready for Grey's Anatomy on thursday..have to rush home from tutoring. Friday is Ghost Whisperer with Jenifer Love Hewitt, love that show!! Anybody else watch it?! I love watching things about ghosts and other spirits.
Nothing else to talk about..hope everyone's week is going well!!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Oven
I'm frustrated.I've been waiting for the stupid oven to get hot enough so, I can cook my chicken shish kabobs and tater tots. I've been trying to figure out the oven for the past 2 hours. No luck. And I'm getting very hungry. Jared's at soccer and won't be home for another half an hour. Now this oven is just way too compicated, there are two knobs that have to go on in order for it to work and I just can't seem to figure it out. Have tried turning it one way and them the other way, nothing, just doesn't get HOT enough. I think I screwed up the oven. I'm thinking about giving up. Or at least waiting until Jared gets home.
So, my week has been kind of ugh!! I got sick. The second week of school, can you believe it?! I usually get sick the first week, but I thought I was going to be missing out this year. But, I think I jinxed myself 'cause I did. Just a week later. The cold started Monday night and it continues. ALthough the migraines are gone all I am with is NO VOICE!! So, hopefully tomorrow I will have a voice again because teaching preschoolers and kindergarteners with no voice is a little hard. So, pray for my voice.
Believe it or not I just ut my pictures from Hawaii on the computer so, I thought I would share some...I wish I was back there with Jared, we had so much fun!!

More to come, for sure!! so glad it's Friday tomorrow, not too many plans for the weekend. Do some scrappin', cleaning, probably watch some football with Jared, write out those Thankyou cards..that's about it!! Hope everyone has a fab weekend, gonna see if I can figure out this stupid oven!!
So, my week has been kind of ugh!! I got sick. The second week of school, can you believe it?! I usually get sick the first week, but I thought I was going to be missing out this year. But, I think I jinxed myself 'cause I did. Just a week later. The cold started Monday night and it continues. ALthough the migraines are gone all I am with is NO VOICE!! So, hopefully tomorrow I will have a voice again because teaching preschoolers and kindergarteners with no voice is a little hard. So, pray for my voice.
Believe it or not I just ut my pictures from Hawaii on the computer so, I thought I would share some...I wish I was back there with Jared, we had so much fun!!

More to come, for sure!! so glad it's Friday tomorrow, not too many plans for the weekend. Do some scrappin', cleaning, probably watch some football with Jared, write out those Thankyou cards..that's about it!! Hope everyone has a fab weekend, gonna see if I can figure out this stupid oven!!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Happy Birthday Daddy!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Cannot believe that today is my last day of summer break!! Where did the summer go?! It flew by so fast!! Been trying to really enjoy the past couple of days left of summer break...Kind of want to go to work tomorrow and kind of don't. will be happy to see my co-workers, meet all the new children and see all the returning ones. But still going to miss the lazy days of doing nothing, watching tons of tv and movies, waking up late, taking all my time in the world, hanging out with my baby sister and my parents, scrap dates with Connie. Now I'm going to have to fill it all in two days on the weekend, ugh!!
Did get to do some scrappin the past couple of days!! Which is always good. And of course got to make more thankyou cards!! Will be happy when that is finally done with, soon!! Hung out with Jared the past three days, which is toally awesome. He almost had the long weekend off, he's working tonight at the restaurant. I know he's happy that school starts tomorrow...more money coming in!! Wanted to share my scrap pages from this weekend!! My entry in Odette's CJ, what your lucky for. I chose my parents. I have realized even more how important they are to me, and how much I cherish them. I think I will be doing a page about this too for my albums.

I saw this "challenge" on Jessie's blogand I read it and id it right away just haven't had a chance to post it. There will be a page on this soon too. Written on Tuesday August 28, 2006
-I taught French
-Hung out with my Dad on the patio, had lunch and chatted away!!
-Went to Michaels with my Mom in search of knitting needles
-Had a breakdown about what I am going to do with the bridesmaid drama
-Drank a martini
-Clean the house
-Enjoy a cup of coffee
-Work more on the thankyou cards
-Spend time with Jared before he goes to soccer practice
-Teach French
-Bring more of my things from my parents house
-Hang out with Connie
Hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend...and a fabulous week too!!
Did get to do some scrappin the past couple of days!! Which is always good. And of course got to make more thankyou cards!! Will be happy when that is finally done with, soon!! Hung out with Jared the past three days, which is toally awesome. He almost had the long weekend off, he's working tonight at the restaurant. I know he's happy that school starts tomorrow...more money coming in!! Wanted to share my scrap pages from this weekend!! My entry in Odette's CJ, what your lucky for. I chose my parents. I have realized even more how important they are to me, and how much I cherish them. I think I will be doing a page about this too for my albums.

I saw this "challenge" on Jessie's blogand I read it and id it right away just haven't had a chance to post it. There will be a page on this soon too. Written on Tuesday August 28, 2006
-I taught French
-Hung out with my Dad on the patio, had lunch and chatted away!!
-Went to Michaels with my Mom in search of knitting needles
-Had a breakdown about what I am going to do with the bridesmaid drama
-Drank a martini
-Clean the house
-Enjoy a cup of coffee
-Work more on the thankyou cards
-Spend time with Jared before he goes to soccer practice
-Teach French
-Bring more of my things from my parents house
-Hang out with Connie
Hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend...and a fabulous week too!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just a couple more pics from the wedding. I'm sure I will be posting more again throughout the next little while..just getting the actual picures in my hand on excited!!
Thanks to everybody for all the advice on the last post. Things are already A-LOT better between Jared and I, which is really good. We're both happier!! So, thankyou!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
For those of you that are married and/or have lived with their significant other tell me...the first little while of living with that person is the hardest, right?! My good friend told me it takes about 2 years. Things with Jared are okay, we're still getting used to each other being around each other more but we fight SO much more. When we were dating and while we were engaged we never fought and now, ugh!! I know it's normal but it totally sucks!! At least we're both on the same page, and tryng really hard...any tips or words of advice will be greatly appreciated. Or stories..tell me..Will post more pics of the wedding soon!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
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